Inspired by the Manhattan cocktail from the late 1800’s, the Pisco Manhattan uses Pisco instead of rye or bourbon and is a great example of how well Pisco pairs with sweet vermouth. It’s a truly natural and flavorful pairing, and the Pisco provides the unique Peruvian touch to an iconic cocktail that is rich with history and tradition. Since both… Read more →
Tag Archive for Cocktails 101

Cocktails 101: Apple Cider Thanksgiving Pisco
This recipe has been updated, view the new recipe → Read more →
Cocktails 101: Cuban Cocktails with Pisco
The Mojito and Cuba Libre are two classic Cuban cocktails that every mixologist knows how to prepare. But in Peru of course, we pay homage to these cocktails by preparing them with Pisco instead of rum. The inspiration for these drinks came from a cocktail book by Gaston Acurio. And one of my favorite things about these recipes is that… Read more →
Cocktails 101: Pisco Sazerac
The Sazerac cocktail is history in a glass. It’s the official cocktail of New Orleans, and the height of its popularity in 1850 coincides with the Gold Rush in California and the arrival of Pisco in San Francisco. After enjoying a Sazerac in New Orleans during the International Food Bloggers Conference, I was truly inspired by its flavor and history. Read more →
Cocktails 101: Pisco Tres Amigos
This Pisco cocktail pays homage to Peru, Spain, and the grape. The grape that arrived from Spain to the Ica Valley of Peru 400 years ago, where Pisco was born. The grape that in Spain is used to make Sherry, wine, and Cava. And in the Tres Amigos, three versions of the grape play beautifully — Pisco, Cava, and raw… Read more →