Monthly Archives: April 2011

Cooking Class: Part 2

In the second week of cooking class, I learned the secret ingredient that makes everything taste great—butter. Yes, butter. And lots of it. Despite feeling my cholesterol level rise and having my cooking instincts challenged, I followed the Chef’s instructions to a tee. After all, you have to live and cook dangerously once in a while. Read more →

Pisco Sour

Pisco Sour

The Pisco Sour is Peru’s National Drink. For a long time, it was believed that American bartender Victor Morris created the Pisco Sour at his bar in Lima during the 1920’s. But a recent discovery of a 1903 Peruvian cookbook shows a recipe for a pisco cocktail that hints at the origins of the Pisco Sour. I wrote about its… Read more →

Cooking Class: Part 1

Last week, I did something I had never done before—I attended a cooking class. Despite all my experience in the kitchen, and all the cooking lessons from my mom, I have always been curious about what I might learn from a formal cooking class lead by a professional chef. Knowing that I am independent and stubborn made me hesitant to… Read more →