Monthly Archives: July 2011

Rosquitas con Cafe

Rosquitas (Peruvian Pastry with Anise and Sesame)

Somewhere between a bread stick and pie crust but infused with the sweet flavor of anise, this ring shaped and braided Peruvian pastry is perfect with cafe con leche. Fresh from my first bread baking adventure a few months ago, I felt confident I could make these little Rosquitas using a recipe from the Larousse de los Postres Peruanos. But… Read more →


Merenguitos (Little Meringue Cookies)

Ever since I made the sweet and light as a sigh Suspiro Limeño, I have been obsessed with how to make the perfect meringue. This obsession lead to lots of reading, many practice sessions and frequent trips to my favorite kitchen supply store to get piping bags, tips, and bowls. One of the results of these practice sessions is these… Read more →