Tag Archive for Aji de Gallina

Peruvian Pop-up at 18 Reasons

How to Cook a Peruvian Dinner for 50 People

When the 18 Reasons event organizer told me that over 50 people had RSVP’d for the Aji de Gallina Peruvian Pop-up dinner, I knew that cooking this dinner would take a lot of extra planning and patience. Fortunately, those are two things I enjoy about cooking. But to make sure the dish tasted just right and was ready on time,… Read more →

Spicy Epiphany

At a dinner party I hosted in San Francisco, I prepared my favorite Peruvian dish, Aji de Gallina., and after a ¡Buen Provecho!, one of my guests took a bite and started to cry. Tears of joy, they said. I responded with a smile and shared the story of my first taste of Aji de Gallina, at another candlelit dinner… Read more →